Since Pueblo's yoga scene is growing so much, I was inspired to create
this blog so that we can share information about what is happening in and around Pueblo, CO.
We have multiple family-owned yoga studios in town who are all trying, in their own way, to bring some light to our community and I invite everyone to use this space to share what t
hey're up to, what events are upcoming and what new classes are being offered. I teach at three studios in town and I am humbled by the openness and generosity of these studios. My dream is to see Pueblo's yoga community thriving and united. We can help our community to be healthier, more at peace and to be an example of how building each other up can help everyone to be successful.
Let's use this space to share information so that we can reach out to as many people as possible.
If you're visiting from out of town, I hope that you can find some useful information on what is going on in our community so that you can share in the fun while you're here.
We can share other positive community happenings here as well. From free community events to live music, art openings and more, let's help our community thrive! If something great is happening, let other people know about it so that they can join in.
I truly believe that when we develop a yoga practice for ourselves, we do indeed help our community because we are taking the time for
ourselves to be healthier and happier and we can't help but bring that home with us, to work with us, to our community and beyond. Let's raise our vibration together!
Emilie Pomerleau